Thursday, 11 February 2010

Urban Outfitters

I had the day off college today and have tidying up around the house and searching the internet for some interesting stuff. I came across this blog:, its very similar to A Cup Of Joe, so i would recommend a visit if you enjoyed that blog!

As i did not have anytime spare yesterday to blog, I thought I would make a nice big post.

I was looking through some clothes on Topman's website and came across this cool t-shirt.

For only £14 I would say that's a bargin.

I also found this on Urban Outfitters:

It would make a great birthday present or just as a little treat for yourself!
Also from Urban Outfitters:

This is such a cool clock, you could always use your old vinyl records and make your own!

Today I leave you with Waiting For An Angel by Ben Harper


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