Sunday, 21 February 2010

Drivin' Me Wild

So its been a long time since I last blogged. This mainly because I have been so busy, although thats not really an excuse. I have also been nagged at to update my blog, so here it is.

What do you think of this Leather Satchel? I really like it and I havnt seen other bags like it. Its only £30 here.

And what about these boots? This is somthing im going to have to save up for, especially at £120. You can find them here.

What have you been up to the past week? I have been hanging out with friends and annoying some neighbours with singstar! Tomorrow is the end of the half-term and so i'm back to college. I could really do with a lay in, but I will just have to wait till the weekend.

I leave you today with Drivin' Me Wild by Common ft. Lily Allen:


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