Sunday, 7 February 2010

Fudge Cake

Today I got up at 11:45am!! Thats the latest I have ever gotten up! I decided to spend the rest of the day with my friend Callie and we went and took a few photos of people on the beach.

What do you think? The two above are my favorite, especially the man lifting his kid onto his shoulders!

Later im going to make a fudge cake using the recipe from this book:

I brought this book for my dad on fathers day as he doesnt cook that much (hes pretty bad when he does ha), he didnt get the joke, but oh well. Instead im going to use it and I will update photos of the end result, no matter how bad it may look, wich me luck.

I leave you today with The Noisettes preforming a cover of The Killers' When You Were Young.


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