Monday, 8 February 2010

Happy Birthday Katie!

A big Happy Birthday to my best friend Katie! We have known each other for 13 years! We both agree that this has been too long ha.

Katie (left), Holly (center), Callie (right) and Me (back)

Today I realised that this week is going to be extremely stressful. So, my next few blogs may be lacking in interestingness, not that they don't already! ha. I managed to get my three CD's that i missed the otherday!
I also tried some of the 'fudge cake' that I made and was extremely happy, although from the photo it does not look that appealing the taste however is much better!


As you can see its not really a cake, but I blame this mislabeling on the recipe book!

I leave you today with an amazing cover of The Jackson 5's I Want You Back:


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