Monday, 22 February 2010

Imelda May

Today my friend let me borrow a CD that i've been dying to get my hands on for ages. Love Tattoo By Imelda May. Her music is all rock and roll. She has a great voice, with her smokey vocals working their way round the lyrics. Would recommend for anyone who likes music from the likes of Nina Simone or Seastick Steve.

I leave you today with Shes A Rainbow By The Rolling Stones:

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Drivin' Me Wild

So its been a long time since I last blogged. This mainly because I have been so busy, although thats not really an excuse. I have also been nagged at to update my blog, so here it is.

What do you think of this Leather Satchel? I really like it and I havnt seen other bags like it. Its only £30 here.

And what about these boots? This is somthing im going to have to save up for, especially at £120. You can find them here.

What have you been up to the past week? I have been hanging out with friends and annoying some neighbours with singstar! Tomorrow is the end of the half-term and so i'm back to college. I could really do with a lay in, but I will just have to wait till the weekend.

I leave you today with Drivin' Me Wild by Common ft. Lily Allen:

Friday, 12 February 2010

Anyone Can

How cool is this poster? It would look great anywhere around the house and for only £11 its a bargin! You can find it here.

and what about these boots, anybody fancy buying me these? Oh well looks like I will have to save up for them!
Not really much to blog today, however as its now the half term I should be uploading plenty of photos soon!

I leave you today with Alive & Amplified by Mooney Suzuki:

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Urban Outfitters

I had the day off college today and have tidying up around the house and searching the internet for some interesting stuff. I came across this blog:, its very similar to A Cup Of Joe, so i would recommend a visit if you enjoyed that blog!

As i did not have anytime spare yesterday to blog, I thought I would make a nice big post.

I was looking through some clothes on Topman's website and came across this cool t-shirt.

For only £14 I would say that's a bargin.

I also found this on Urban Outfitters:

It would make a great birthday present or just as a little treat for yourself!
Also from Urban Outfitters:

This is such a cool clock, you could always use your old vinyl records and make your own!

Today I leave you with Waiting For An Angel by Ben Harper

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Life Goals

I've always wanted to learn how to play an instrument. So I learnt to play the guitar 6 years ago, however im not taht good at it, so I want to learn another instrument. The piano was the first thing that popped into my head! So now im going make it a life goal of mine to learn to play the piano.

Another thing which I wish to do is to travel on the Trans-Siberian Express. I would also like to travel around the world, however i think that my first step should be the Trans-Siberian Express.

Right now im going to creat a bucket list. What life goals have you set yourself?

I leave you today with Cigarettes & Chocolate Milk by Rufus Wainwright:

Monday, 8 February 2010

Happy Birthday Katie!

A big Happy Birthday to my best friend Katie! We have known each other for 13 years! We both agree that this has been too long ha.

Katie (left), Holly (center), Callie (right) and Me (back)

Today I realised that this week is going to be extremely stressful. So, my next few blogs may be lacking in interestingness, not that they don't already! ha. I managed to get my three CD's that i missed the otherday!
I also tried some of the 'fudge cake' that I made and was extremely happy, although from the photo it does not look that appealing the taste however is much better!


As you can see its not really a cake, but I blame this mislabeling on the recipe book!

I leave you today with an amazing cover of The Jackson 5's I Want You Back:

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Fudge Cake

Today I got up at 11:45am!! Thats the latest I have ever gotten up! I decided to spend the rest of the day with my friend Callie and we went and took a few photos of people on the beach.

What do you think? The two above are my favorite, especially the man lifting his kid onto his shoulders!

Later im going to make a fudge cake using the recipe from this book:

I brought this book for my dad on fathers day as he doesnt cook that much (hes pretty bad when he does ha), he didnt get the joke, but oh well. Instead im going to use it and I will update photos of the end result, no matter how bad it may look, wich me luck.

I leave you today with The Noisettes preforming a cover of The Killers' When You Were Young.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Jane Bown & Lillian Bassman

Today I woke up to find that I missed the postman and so now I have to wait another 2 days before I can get the CD's I ordered. However it does give me somthing to look forward to over the weekend.

As an AS photography student I have come across many photographers which have intrigued me. Two of my favorite photoghraphers are:

Jane Bown 

Lillian Bassman.

I leave you today with Paloma Faith singing a cover of the amazing Etta James' At last.

Friday, 5 February 2010

The Sea

Since The Sea has been released at the beginning of Feburary I have had this album on non-stop repeat. Her voice is soft but powerful at the right moments. Corinne Bailey Rae sings about the tragic lose of husband in the song The Sea, which can be heard through the beautiful lyrics. This album is a must have and well worth £8.99.

So today i leave you with a free song from her album at & Dreams by Brandie Carlile

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Childhood Memories

Today I was looking through some old photos and came across a few which made me smile.

Whats your earliest memories?

Check out

Thursday, 4 February 2010

The secret diary of Adrian Mole, aged 13 and 3/4

The secret diary of Adrian Mole, aged 13 and 3/4 by Sue Townsend is one of my favorite books which i have read. I came across it at a car boot sale and bought it for a mere 50p. I have yet to read it and not have a smile on my face.

Here's a brief summary of the book:

Adrian Mole is a worrier. The problems of existence hit him hard. Spots, bits of him that won't seem to keep still, the parents' marriage, all prey heavily on his mind. There are some consolations. A fourteen-year-old feminist, an eighty-nine-year-old chain smoker and his spoilt best friend all help to lift the gloomy introspection of Mole's moods.

Mole believes he is an intellectual. He is certainly a poet. He buys strikingly coloured stationery on which to write his poems and send them to the B.B.C. He is dogged by ill health as well as by an infuriatingly ever-present pet dog, and by a catalogue of misfortunes familiar to anyone over the age of thirteen.

I would highly recommend a read, as it is sure to brighten your day.

I leave you today with a song from The New Pornographers:

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

First Blog

I wanted to make a blog ever since i visited these two blogs:
So, here it is. My Blog.

Heres one of my photos I took towards the end of 2009: