Friday, 30 April 2010

Radar Detector

This weekend is looking to be a good one. Tonight im off out for a party with good friends and then tomorrow i start working at sainsburys. Sunday I have off to relax ( in my books this means sleep) and then on monday im off to help my Grandad with his garden, were goning to plant some peas so that they will be ready for the summer.

Since tuesday I have had this one song in my head, over and over it plays. It is called radar detector by Darwin Deez. His music is all very addictive and happy. Its the perfect soundtrack for the summer. So now summer looks as if its going to be good.

This is a photo of my friend Romily, shes very pretty dont you think? This is another photo that im using in my finals.

Do you like cooking? I do and im very sad to see the end of the season for The Delicious Miss Dahl, a cookery show by Sophie Dahl, granddaughter of the great Roald Dahl! She cooks delicious yet extremly simple food. I can't wait till the next season arrives!

For now i leave you with the addictive Radar Detector:
(The video makes me laugh!)


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